Originally Posted by "Captain_McCusker
In terms of the mod, it's about realism, not balance. I think most realism mods, including the default SH realism and stock, are trying to balance things for playability over anything else. What I did with AANR was go with realism as much as I could. I researched the weapons using historical data and modified the tik files based on that. Not everything is perfect, but eventually it'll get there.
For instance, I've got people telling me all the time to increase the movement speed on the BAR to compensate for the STG's movement speed... sorta balance them out. The BAR, though, weighs almost twice the STG not to mention a bigger caliber round. Overall, I thought the movement speed was a good compensation for said weight.
What irks me is that most people who obsess over "realism" probably haven't ever fired one of the guns shown in these games. Have you ever considered that an extra 10 lbs probably isn't going to slow down a combat infantryman to any noticable degree at all? Also, the StG actually fires a larger round than the BAR - just from a shorter cartridge (.30 cal for the BAR vs .312 for the StG).
Also, while you're being "realistic" why don't you mod in the crappy construction of the StG, like the tendancy of the bolt carrier to rip a hole in the reciever wall (probably causing the gun to blow up in your face) when fired on sustained full auto? Or make it how the Germans used it - as a semi-auto rifle.
IMO, there's a lot of really crummy realism mods out there that sacrifice balance (which is what matters - if you want "real", go shooting or play paintball) for very little "realism".