Quake doesn't count. Quake is an exercise in hand/eye reflex/coordination, not a game. Thresh, the guy who won the Ferrari, is probably a moron who can't even spell his own name on account of all the thousands of hours he spent perfecting his Quake technique when he should have been doing his homework.
Once we discount the headless chicken game (Quake) we get to the games where skill DOES count to some degree, games where one has to THINK and PLAN (CS, MoH etc) rather than simply REACT (Quake).
I used to play a lot of CS, but I favour a mouse and joystick set-up rather than the traditional mouse and keyboard. That was why I whupped ass on a regular basis...not because I was particularly good (one cannot be 'good' as I said before) but because my control set-up gave me an edge.
Same would go for MoH if it allowed the use of a joystick.
I stick by what I said. I guess it's possible for a guy to have a run where he comes up against only bad players, but over a period of time the scores would average out and there would be no 'top' player. The artificial environment simply does not allow a human being to excell at this kind of game. To put it another way, you would have to be trying hard to be consistently BAD at this game. Playing MoH well is like playing checkers well...it becomes automatic. And I guess that's what motivates the cheats...when they come up against the game's limitations they try to find a way to go beyond them. Skill is no longer enough because everyone gets that after playing for a few days. So cheating becomes the only way ahead.
I can't recommend real combat to anyone, for obvious reasons, but if you get a chance to try paintballing I'd suggest a go at that. Then you'll be able to compare MoH with a kind of 'real' combat experience. It'll be an eye-opener.