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Default 01-04-2002, 04:07 AM

You guys crack me up.

The truth is, like CS and DoD, some people
will own, some will be very good, others
average, less than and finally crap.

Big differences in scores will always exist
because people come and go, some don't really
advance (skill-wise) or just minimally do
(not everybody can be a damn Pool god, ad
infinitum) and others just play for fun and
don't bother concentrating to the max0rz to
hopefully own.

Yes, some can and will master this game just
like others did with counter-strike, day of
defeat, <insert your game here> and yes,
although most WILL get better and learn how
to play the game, they simply won't compare
to the people that play this all day long,
honing their skillz.

Because of personal preferences in gameplay
style, motivation, natural ability and / or
honed abilities, big differences in score and
talent will always exist.

Not everyone can master this game, just like
not everyone will master academia, billards
and sex (yes, some are lousy and some make
'em scream) ...

If you find obvious fallacies or unclear
items in my post, please point them out so I
may clarify what I meant.


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>He is often described as the last universal genius: a thinker whose range extended to all that was known in his day.

" Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it. "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[This message has been edited by SoLiDUS (edited January 04, 2002).]
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SPRAYnPRAY is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 04:17 AM

I assume you both have broadband. So why not join on an equidistant server?
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 04:23 AM

I think you may be right Solidus. We've just had two hours of slaughter on my server, me and one of my clan taking on all comers and seeing them off. By and large they sucked the big tamale.

There, now I'm talking the brat lingo...I've finally arrived.

Seriously though, this game and one like Il2 are oceans apart. This is so easy it's getting boring. New maps will be welcome, but they won't take long to learn...then the play becomes nothing more than set-pieces for each map. I hope it's going to be possible for third-parties to make custom maps...?

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Decoy is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 04:25 AM

can we ban this westpunk or whatever prick saying "hiel hitler"???????????? "f*** life"?


-Waffen SS-
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Default 01-04-2002, 04:45 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW-Siggi:
I think you may be right Solidus. We've just had two hours of slaughter on my server, me and one of my clan taking on all comers and seeing them off. By and large they sucked the big tamale.

There, now I'm talking the brat lingo...I've finally arrived.

Seriously though, this game and one like Il2 are oceans apart. This is so easy it's getting boring. New maps will be welcome, but they won't take long to learn...then the play becomes nothing more than set-pieces for each map. I hope it's going to be possible for third-parties to make custom maps...?


Third-party maps ? You can count on it


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>He is often described as the last universal genius: a thinker whose range extended to all that was known in his day.

" Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it. "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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Mithrandir is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 05:15 AM

Westfrontpunk... you're an obnoxious little prick (I'm guessing you're either in the 15-and-below age group or an 18-year old who hasn't yet grasped the concept of maturity), but I'll answer your questions anyway. A Panzerfaust is another type of German rocket launcher which is smaller than the Panzerschreck, and is fired by a propellant charge in the projectile instead of being fired electrically. Why use a bayonet when you could just bash them with the launcher itself? Also, a bayonet attached to the Mauser rifle would be much more practical than sticking one on a MP40.

Oh, and there were no M4 carbines in WWII. M1 carbines, maybe, but M4s were introduced in 1994, _50_ years after WWII!

One more thing, do us a favor and don't come back until you grow up, you immature twit. We don't need jerks like you filling up the board with stupid messages with content like "WESTFRONTPUNK RULES!" written over and over again.
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 05:58 AM

Quake doesn't count. Quake is an exercise in hand/eye reflex/coordination, not a game. Thresh, the guy who won the Ferrari, is probably a moron who can't even spell his own name on account of all the thousands of hours he spent perfecting his Quake technique when he should have been doing his homework.

Once we discount the headless chicken game (Quake) we get to the games where skill DOES count to some degree, games where one has to THINK and PLAN (CS, MoH etc) rather than simply REACT (Quake).

I used to play a lot of CS, but I favour a mouse and joystick set-up rather than the traditional mouse and keyboard. That was why I whupped ass on a regular basis...not because I was particularly good (one cannot be 'good' as I said before) but because my control set-up gave me an edge.
Same would go for MoH if it allowed the use of a joystick.

I stick by what I said. I guess it's possible for a guy to have a run where he comes up against only bad players, but over a period of time the scores would average out and there would be no 'top' player. The artificial environment simply does not allow a human being to excell at this kind of game. To put it another way, you would have to be trying hard to be consistently BAD at this game. Playing MoH well is like playing checkers becomes automatic. And I guess that's what motivates the cheats...when they come up against the game's limitations they try to find a way to go beyond them. Skill is no longer enough because everyone gets that after playing for a few days. So cheating becomes the only way ahead.

I can't recommend real combat to anyone, for obvious reasons, but if you get a chance to try paintballing I'd suggest a go at that. Then you'll be able to compare MoH with a kind of 'real' combat experience. It'll be an eye-opener.

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Default 01-04-2002, 06:20 AM

I didn't once say I'd beat you for sure, Siggi. I simply said that by the way you talk I'd think I could beat you. If not now, then once I suss you out. Players who call anyone who beats them cheats are rarely that good in my experience.

I may be wrong, but then if you truly are better than me then you will have already contradicted your argument here, anyway.

You can't win, really.

I'd love to play on your server, but I'd be afraid to bring Rigz along as he is a much better player than I and in that case you'd be hard pressed to not call him a cheat.

We both want to give you a game sometime, UK server is fine.

I still don't see why you bother, though. This game you like sounds so lovely, MoH must be such a drag for you to play.

After all, you've learnt everything there is to know about it already. Like everyone else. Apparently.
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Hotspur is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:21 AM

Siggi, I really enjoy reading your posts because they are funny, thoughtful, and well written, but buddy, you are way off on your claim that MOH or Quake proficiency takes no skill. Come on. Common sense tells me that some people are going to have faster reactions, better aim, steadier hands, better anticipation, and yes, greater grasp of tactics and placement.

Quake demands all these things, even though I agree with your criticisms of Quake; but still better players DO have better skills and that includes the ability to figure out when the other player is going to zig instead of zag.

The claim that it all comes down to computer set up and ping is so easily refutable. I have top of the line equipment and cable. I have OFTEN been beaten by people with inferior set ups.

As an example you say: > Playing MoH well is like playing checkers becomes automatic <

You ever read Edgar Allen Poe? He has a great essay defending checkers against chess. He claims that checkers takes much more skill and intelligence.

Keep posting, I enjoy reading you. But you are way wrong on this one.
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:29 AM

Practice makes perfect. Period.

Unless you are a savant and are predisposed
to excel at something, chances are you will
have to practice a bit in order to progress.

I disagree that over time people all average
out and no "top" player can be found. I will
not waste time trying to prove my point as it
is easy to see with counter-strike and day of
defeat alone.

Shotgun : WH0R4G3. Plain and simple. The gun
itself is fine, yes. But half a team totting
it ? Urg...

Sniper rifle : See above.

Rockets : Mixed feelings on that one as it
doesn't get wh0r3d that much but it tends to
get annoying after a while.

Cheating : Q3 has cheats. This is a Q3 based
game. Aimbots are readily available. Any Qs ?


Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>He is often described as the last universal genius: a thinker whose range extended to all that was known in his day.

" Although the whole of this life were said to be nothing but a dream and the physical world nothing but a phantasm, I should call this dream or phantasm real enough, if, using reason well, we were never deceived by it. "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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3/504th-Cpt.Knight is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:33 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW-Siggi:
Quake doesn't count. Quake is an exercise in hand/eye reflex/coordination, not a game.

....rather than simply REACT (Quake).


But then what do you call playing on the Stalingrad map? Doesn't that map's gameplay resemble that of Quake's, where the player uses more "hand/eye reflex/coordination" then strategy?

3rd Battalion
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
82nd Airborne Division
"The Blue Devils"
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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:40 AM

No one agrees with Siggi, but I very much doubt any reasoning will convince him other-wise.

His opinion is his, but it's an odd one, I'll say that.

I've never heard it before, so at least you can't call him unoriginal.
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:43 AM

Oh, Hotspur, you forgot to add patience at the beginning of your post as a quality that sets some players apart.

Patience will win you many fights, but only at the right time.

No, I don't mean camping, I just mean knowing when to wait for someone to come to you, and when you know it is best to go after them.

Countless situations that our friend Siggi has witnessed all himself.
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3/504th-Cpt.Knight is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 06:58 AM

First off, this has to be the longest thread in history!

Secondly, what about luck? I feel luck plays a 15 to 20 percent hand in MOH. I mean when one runs into a room full of enemies in Stalingrad, lays waste (and I'm not talking about sneaking up on a bunch of snipers), and comes out unscathe, there is no way said person planned on it! When I lay some covering fire and happen to frag someone because he/she had thier head in the wrong place at the wrong time, I don't believe that it was because of my skillfulness. I think, "unluck son of a b****".

3rd Battalion
504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
82nd Airborne Division
"The Blue Devils"
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SS.SGW-Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-04-2002, 07:20 AM

Ok, after four straight hours we lost our 88mm only twice. We had four US versus us two for a long stretch and didn't lose a single battle. Loads of different people came thru, with a few going long term.

Whatever, I don't think I can any longer maintain that everyone reaches equality in this game, unless there simply hasn't been enough time yet. In CS everyone was of a similar level, at least in my experience. I can't blame it on lag as everything was very smooth and nobody complained of any. I guess I have to conclude that either the SS.SGW are MoH gods or all our opponents to date are just totally crap.
Yes, it got so easy that I took to running down the road with a pistol in one hand and my dick in the other. Lol.

CS was never like this. In that I had about a 70/30 kill-death ratio. In this I have a 90/10 at least.

Oh well. I'm curious now to see how it plays on somebody else's server.

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