Originally Posted by BUTCH
Originally Posted by "GreenEggs&Pot":e37f7
Anyway the point is FAGTCHER that taking out Sadam wont solve the problem. It will only make it worse. The people well hate us even more, and they well rebulid nuclear weapons. It dosnt solve the problem, its only a temporary solution.
so what your saying is..its like a bully when your in school..if i let him beat me up today.. maybe he wont beat me up tomarrow. my theory is this. if i come upside the bullies head today with a 2x4 he wont screw with me tomarrow or any other day. and then theres always the theory ...kill the head and the body will die. im not so sure all the people in iraq love saddam as much as you think they do. remember if they dont agree with everything he says..their killed. you might be surprised what happens to that country after joe gets his head on that platter. by the way...i thought we were exchanging ideas here. that FAGTCHER comment just proves the fact that you dont have enough since to carry on a conversation anyway..so your whinny assed ideas dont carry much weight.
No, they don't like Saddam. But they will like us even less. I guarantee it.[/quote:e37f7]
I DISAGREE...i bet when its all said and done. and of course well give them all the aid and money to rebuild whatever we flatten. after saddam and his henchmen are gone. maybe those people will be able to elect a leader of their choice instead of being killed for disagreeing with the asshole. remember what happened last time. they surendered in droves yelling we love george bush. that dont exactly sound like people who support their leader to the death. sounds to me like they were pretty much forced to fight like it or not. i think they would have choosen not. i think those people are like most everyone else. they just want to live their lives in peace. its like the wizzard of oz. DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD. everybody followed the witch till she was dead. then it was a different story. this aint a movie but itll have the same ending.