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Default SIG PIC - 02-21-2003, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by FAGTCH
and as for you...IVE BEEN ON THE FRONT LINES !!! and i say kill that son of a bitch before he has a chance to kill americans. NOW YOU CAN CALL ME A WAR the way..if i had the good fourtain to have saddams ear in my cross hairs i would not hesitate for a second to splatter grey matter all over the country side. ive done it before and would gladly do it again.
Sitting on the ground shitting your pants because you dropped your gun in a game of paintball isn't the "FRONT LINES."


ill only say this...if that sig is your picture. YOU SIR...ARE AN IDIOT.!!!!
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Default 02-21-2003, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by "GreenEggs&Pot":7713b

Anyway the point is FAGTCHER that taking out Sadam wont solve the problem. It will only make it worse. The people well hate us even more, and they well rebulid nuclear weapons. It dosnt solve the problem, its only a temporary solution.
so what your saying is..its like a bully when your in school..if i let him beat me up today.. maybe he wont beat me up tomarrow. my theory is this. if i come upside the bullies head today with a 2x4 he wont screw with me tomarrow or any other day. and then theres always the theory ...kill the head and the body will die. im not so sure all the people in iraq love saddam as much as you think they do. remember if they dont agree with everything he says..their killed. you might be surprised what happens to that country after joe gets his head on that platter. by the way...i thought we were exchanging ideas here. that FAGTCHER comment just proves the fact that you dont have enough since to carry on a conversation your whinny assed ideas dont carry much weight.[/quote:7713b]

No, they don't like Saddam. But they will like us even less. I guarantee it.
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Default 02-21-2003, 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by BUTCH
Originally Posted by "GreenEggs&Pot":e37f7

Anyway the point is FAGTCHER that taking out Sadam wont solve the problem. It will only make it worse. The people well hate us even more, and they well rebulid nuclear weapons. It dosnt solve the problem, its only a temporary solution.
so what your saying is..its like a bully when your in school..if i let him beat me up today.. maybe he wont beat me up tomarrow. my theory is this. if i come upside the bullies head today with a 2x4 he wont screw with me tomarrow or any other day. and then theres always the theory ...kill the head and the body will die. im not so sure all the people in iraq love saddam as much as you think they do. remember if they dont agree with everything he says..their killed. you might be surprised what happens to that country after joe gets his head on that platter. by the way...i thought we were exchanging ideas here. that FAGTCHER comment just proves the fact that you dont have enough since to carry on a conversation your whinny assed ideas dont carry much weight.
No, they don't like Saddam. But they will like us even less. I guarantee it.[/quote:e37f7]

I DISAGREE...i bet when its all said and done. and of course well give them all the aid and money to rebuild whatever we flatten. after saddam and his henchmen are gone. maybe those people will be able to elect a leader of their choice instead of being killed for disagreeing with the asshole. remember what happened last time. they surendered in droves yelling we love george bush. that dont exactly sound like people who support their leader to the death. sounds to me like they were pretty much forced to fight like it or not. i think they would have choosen not. i think those people are like most everyone else. they just want to live their lives in peace. its like the wizzard of oz. DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD. everybody followed the witch till she was dead. then it was a different story. this aint a movie but itll have the same ending.
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Default 02-21-2003, 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Totenkopf
Originally Posted by BUTCH
Originally Posted by "GreenEggs&Pot":7e570

Anyway the point is FAGTCHER that taking out Sadam wont solve the problem. It will only make it worse. The people well hate us even more, and they well rebulid nuclear weapons. It dosnt solve the problem, its only a temporary solution.
so what your saying is..its like a bully when your in school..if i let him beat me up today.. maybe he wont beat me up tomarrow. my theory is this. if i come upside the bullies head today with a 2x4 he wont screw with me tomarrow or any other day. and then theres always the theory ...kill the head and the body will die. im not so sure all the people in iraq love saddam as much as you think they do. remember if they dont agree with everything he says..their killed. you might be surprised what happens to that country after joe gets his head on that platter. by the way...i thought we were exchanging ideas here. that FAGTCHER comment just proves the fact that you dont have enough since to carry on a conversation your whinny assed ideas dont carry much weight.
No, they don't like Saddam. But they will like us even less. I guarantee it.

I DISAGREE...i bet when its all said and done. and of course well give them all the aid and money to rebuild whatever we flatten. after saddam and his henchmen are gone. maybe those people will be able to elect a leader of their choice instead of being killed for disagreeing with the -------. remember what happened last time. they surendered in droves yelling we love george bush. that dont exactly sound like people who support their leader to the death. sounds to me like they were pretty much forced to fight like it or not. i think they would have choosen not. i think those people are like most everyone else. they just want to live their lives in peace. its like the wizzard of oz. DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD. everybody followed the witch till she was dead. then it was a different story. this aint a movie but itll have the same ending.[/quote:7e570] don't have a clue about Middle-Eastern culture or it's people. I suggest you pick up the book, "From Beirut to Jerusalem", by Thomas Friedman, and do a little learning. History has proven that democracies do not work in the Middle East due to long standing cultures and beliefs. In addition, the people may hate Saddam, but no matter who their ruler is, they will always hate the infidel defiler foreigners more. Look at Bin Laden, we didn't do a damn thing to his home country, Saudi Arabia, but hang out there for awhile. Yet his intense dislike for us comes just from the fact that we were there.....and not even in an occupying role.

Saddam has to be dealt with, but an all out invasion of Iraq is not the answer. It will only lead to more terrorism and death.
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Default 02-21-2003, 09:01 PM

No, Im saying that after you beat the bully and kill him his friends will come after you and then your screwed.
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Default 02-21-2003, 09:34 PM

Look at Somalia. The US tried helping the ppl over there with food and stability but were returned with Ak-47 blazing and resulting in hundreds dead.
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Default 02-21-2003, 09:37 PM

Why do people even start threads like this

Especially starting with a quote from another thread, seriosully, all you do is start a flame war

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Default 02-21-2003, 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Why do people even start threads like this

Especially starting with a quote from another thread, seriosully, all you do is start a flame war
becasue ppl jsut refuse to the fact that others have different opinions and beliefs and want to always prove they are right.
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Default 02-21-2003, 09:40 PM

I hear are probably the first one in awile that didn't tie my post into somethign to do with hating America.

If someone believes something, just deal with it, you like hockey, they don't, so what, same with this.

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GreenEggs&Pot is Offline
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Default 02-21-2003, 09:55 PM

We dont like hockey you Sadam-Loving cock sucker.... oOo:

please dont take me seriously here....
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[LoNe R@nGeR] is Offline
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Default 02-21-2003, 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by zxcvnm
Look at Somalia. The US tried helping the ppl over there with food and stability but were returned with Ak-47 blazing and resulting in hundreds dead.
First of all, most of the people who died were Somalians, and that was the Aidid militia people mostly. Let me remind you that the Aidid militia killed the innocent Somalians to corner all the incoming food from the U.N. They stole the food and kept it from the people, then sold it to whoever could buy it for an outrageous price or kept it to themselves. Doesn't really sound like much of a loss to me. Under 20 Americans died in Somalia, most of the people who died were bad, bad people, the Aidid militia men.

Also, the Iraqi's unfortunately will probably like the fact that they aren't oppressed by Saddam any more, but they still won't like us. See, with the Muslim religion, all Christians and Jews and other religions are "infidels." That's why they don't like us. I hate to sound condescending, but the Muslim religion is not one of tolerance, it's as simple as that.
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Default 02-21-2003, 11:28 PM

[quote="[LoNe R@nGeR]":5204c]
Originally Posted by zxcvnm
Look at Somalia. The US tried helping the ppl over there with food and stability but were returned with Ak-47 blazing and resulting in hundreds dead.
First of all, most of the people who died were Somalians, and that was the Aidid militia people mostly. Let me remind you that the Aidid militia killed the innocent Somalians to corner all the incoming food from the U.N. They stole the food and kept it from the people, then sold it to whoever could buy it for an outrageous price or kept it to themselves. Doesn't really sound like much of a loss to me. Under 20 Americans died in Somalia, most of the people who died were bad, bad people, the Aidid militia men.

Also, the Iraqi's unfortunately will probably like the fact that they aren't oppressed by Saddam any more, but they still won't like us. See, with the Muslim religion, all Christians and Jews and other religions are "infidels." That's why they don't like us. I hate to sound condescending, but the Muslim religion is not one of tolerance, it's as simple as that.[/quote:5204c]

ACtually you are wrong the muslim religion was the most tolerant out of the major religions in the Medieval ages. They were tolerant of Jews and allowed Christians to pilgrim to the holy sites. Its just politics has clearly been intergrated into religion deeply.
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Default 02-22-2003, 12:39 AM

i think your both right and wrong, yes the muslim religion is about tolerance, but what we are dealing with here are a bunch of muslim extremist who have taken their religion to seriously. This is the downfall of religion, Christians did it in the crusades and the muslims are doing it with their jihad. I also agree that we are definitely seen as outsiders and do not belong in thier holy land. This will always be a problem until we pull out, if that would ever occur.

I really hope what Butch said about the Iraqi's throwing down their weapons and being liberated from Saddam, but there are a lot of bad consequences that could occur that will change the face of this planet, if things go wrong.

I think, no matter what happens there are going to be a lot of pissed off people at the US and Especially the president.
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the final solution to world peace
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Default the final solution to world peace - 02-22-2003, 12:58 AM

heres the answer to world peace: usa-china-russia all get together for a sumit. split the rest of the world into thirds. each country getting an equal share. of course the oil is an even split. which ever little country dont like the idea. lets say canada dont like being part of the us. then russia and china help us smack them down. and we in turn help them with their little problems. now instead of having a bunch of little upstart countries tryin to make trouble its only the big three ruling the world. say like now saddam dont like the idea and they would rather die first. no problem. it could be aranged very easily. we could take canada, mexico and south america. which by the way then we could take care of the drug problem more blow from columbia. im pretty sure a few well placed nukes would bring the malcontents into line pretty quick. and there you have it. WORLD PEACE AT LAST.
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Re: the final solution to world peace
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Default Re: the final solution to world peace - 02-22-2003, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by BUTCH
heres the answer to world peace: usa-china-russia all get together for a sumit. split the rest of the world into thirds. each country getting an equal share. of course the oil is an even split. which ever little country dont like the idea. lets say canada dont like being part of the us. then russia and china help us smack them down. and we in turn help them with their little problems. now instead of having a bunch of little upstart countries tryin to make trouble its only the big three ruling the world. say like now saddam dont like the idea and they would rather die first. no problem. it could be aranged very easily. we could take canada, mexico and south america. which by the way then we could take care of the drug problem more blow from columbia. im pretty sure a few well placed nukes would bring the malcontents into line pretty quick. and there you have it. WORLD PEACE AT LAST.
What drug problem? evil:
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