01-15-2002, 03:08 AM
When I first discovered the Return to Castle Wolfenstien demo I was pretty psyched. More fun than any rubber band fight I ever had!
Then I heard about MOH, which I prefer becuase I am not interested in shooting zombies, etc. But when I looked it up on the web what reviews I could find of MOHAA they said that they were all dissapointed because it was not really an advance, just that this time it was bombed out France and M-1s rather than that James Bond-like game or Quake. But frankly I have been very impressed with the landscapes and the walls, etc. at least from how they look on my roommate's PC. On mine everything is blury.
I have never really played other shooters, as WWII is more why I like MOH not becuase it is a shooter. I also do not play many other games, but can see playing MOHAA for a long time!
So, here are my two questions:
1) Do you guys like MOH better than other shooters and if so why?
2) Even though I have done the Voodoo fixes recommended, and can now see the menu screens etc, the graphics still suck. You can't see very far in the distance and like that 2015 screen at the start with the white text on a grey background is so blurred that you literally can not read what it says! So I am getting a GeForce 3 ti 500 expressly to play MOHAA.
But can you PLEASE define some of this stuff that I see advertised. What does the following stand for, and is it important:
4x AGP
8200 t500 pure
This all came from listings on Pricewatch