05-29-2003, 09:37 PM
Haven't downloaded it, probably won't....ok, might out of pure curiosity... but first big problem: "27 hours..." That'll sum up the quality of any map - for any reason, for any users. Talk 200 hours, then you've got some serious development time. I've played Cobra's single player missions and looked at most of his previous stuff. Although I've commended him on cool new ideas and hard work on scripting; brush work and detail are the weak points...and any map made in a short time is going to suffer. There are tons of maps with hundereds of hours that look good but play like crap too.
Cool ideas, good team efforts, but rushing an unpolished product that gets so much hype and interest doesn't help anybody. Neither does flaming someone you nothing about...primary reason this site went to hell over the last several months. I feel a 'soap box' tirade coming on, so I'm done.