07-20-2003, 06:11 PM
the file that is named players should be named player. once that is fixed the player will show up, but there are other probs. in the shader file the location of all the textures are wrong.
It says :
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/Allied_cloud_shirt.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/pilot/Allied_cloud_shirt.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
It should say:
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/Allied_cloud_shirt.tga
map textures/models/human/Allied_cloud_shirt.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
this needs to be fixed for all of them
and add this:
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/Allied_cloud_face.tga
map textures/models/human/Allied_cloud_face.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
now with allied_cloud.tik
this is what it should say:
path models/human/allied_pilot
skelmodel allied_pilot.skd
surface pants shader Allied_cloud_pants
surface coat shader Allied_cloud_shirt
surface cullpants shader cull_Allied_cloud_pants
// $include models/human/heads/us_old_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head1.skd
surface head shader allied_cloud_face
path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader handsnew
hope i got everything