Originally Posted by Spartan61
I enjoy the new COD by Activision but what I would really like to see, and not a sub simulator since Microprose took theres out, is a return of a great on-line flying game like "AIR WARRIOR 3D" by Kesmai.
Join Squadrons, fly fighters or bombers, take along gunners on your B17 or A26. Join campaigns that were real time flying for 2 to 4 hours on a mission from England to Germany or reverse. Talk directly to crew members or Squardon members.
Choice in scheduled missions as fighter support or bomber command. It was a fantastic on-line experience and extremely detailed. Paid 9.99 a month to play it and then it disappeared. What a loss.
The Ole Sarge
idk if id really like to spend 2 to 4 hours flying to see 15 mins of fighting.