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AnArKey is Offline
Posts: 47
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Beaverton, OR
Default 02-11-2002, 03:57 AM

Interesting. When F1 2001 came out (another EA game) it had MAJOR issues. One thing that was discovered was that it ran better in windowed mode. This was fixed in a patch. Maybe MOHAA has the same bug that causes fullscreen to somehow run slower (when it shouldn't). I'm gonna try that. BTW, I have almost the same computer as you (Athlon 900, 512M Ram, Geforce2 MX400 64m) and I run at 1023x768 with most things turned up, just curves on low and no shadows. I get 40-80fps depending, but in massive shootouts on crowded servers it can drop down to 10fps at times.
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