i have a t-bird 900mhz cpu, 369mb ram, and a brand new 64mb GF3 (slightly overclocked). i play in:
800x600 res
16bit color
16bit textures
low curve detail
low effects detail
low terrain detail
no shadows
medium model detail
static decals off
real dynamic lighting off
full entity lighting off
volumetric smoke off
i get 60 FPS when alone, strolling along enjoying the scenery. however, everytime i enter a firefight and/or shoot my gun, they drop considerable. the lowest i've gotten was 12FPS, and the average in a one-on-one shootout is 20FPS. naturally, this makes things difficult (and is very, very, very ridiculous considering my computer's specs).
so i was playing a game on ramagen when, on accident, i hit alt+enter (toggles windowed mode). curious, i played for a minute. to my surprise, my FPS never dropped below 30. my ping never jumped, and there was no typical hiccups when in firefights. it even looked better than full screen mode, with jaggies less noticable and the entirely annoying minor-texture-tearing gone.
something definetely isn't right with MoH. it runs smooth as silk for some with lesser machines, and crappy as hell for others.
Interesting. When F1 2001 came out (another EA game) it had MAJOR issues. One thing that was discovered was that it ran better in windowed mode. This was fixed in a patch. Maybe MOHAA has the same bug that causes fullscreen to somehow run slower (when it shouldn't). I'm gonna try that. BTW, I have almost the same computer as you (Athlon 900, 512M Ram, Geforce2 MX400 64m) and I run at 1023x768 with most things turned up, just curves on low and no shadows. I get 40-80fps depending, but in massive shootouts on crowded servers it can drop down to 10fps at times.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by zxcvnm: what are detonator drivers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Those are reference drivers released by Nvidia. Most OEMs then tweak the reference drivers for there specific cards. Personally I prefer reference drivers directly from the manufacturer.
These are for gforce 3 and 4
here is my crappy sys specs and ill tell u right now i run everything medium and higher except the curves and i get 60+ fps
1 gig amd duron(yuk)
256 megs pc133
16 bit pci sb
win 95
64 meg geforce 2 mx 400(not latest drivers newest ones are truly unstable)
the point of this is mohaa was built on the quake arena engine and that engine was meant for low end comp so alot of peoples probs are not system specs its how they are running them make sure when u have loads of slowdown all uneccesary proggies are closed u didnt mess with ur virtual ram or virtual mem let ur cpu handle that and a good piece of advice get away from pci video cards also not always the newest drivers are good for a game i remember in the days of df2 when the newest video drivers for a nividia card crashed into blue screen with df2 so dont be afraid to expierement but if u dont know what it is research it
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!
my spec:
GF 2 PROGTS 64 MEG(ddr)
my fps is pretty steddy at 75+... but.!
it can make a big diferense in whitch map i am playing.!
I have a P2 400, 144 RAM, 16MB Voodoo 3 3000 and I get no more than 30 FPS. If I'm fighting ONE PERSON I go down to 5. My settings are all on their lowest except resolution (640x480). Engine for low-end PC's my ass
"Please don't steal; the government hates competition."
Pentium 3 850 megahertz
128 megabytes of ram
32 megabytes of Intel 82810E video card.
I run the textures on medium and turn everything up high with a resolution of 800x600. Still the damn game suffers a bit not much though. It really suffers alot in the last level in the snow. It seems everytime there is something happening in the background in the level be it be the swaying of trees or something it it messes up with the framerate. This does not happen to return to wolfenstein though. I turn everything high and the framerate is excellent. I still dont get it why this happens if both games are built around the quake 3 engine.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Charlie Martel: MOHAA engine meant for low-end PC's? I think not!
I have a P2 400, 144 RAM, 16MB Voodoo 3 3000 and I get no more than 30 FPS. If I'm fighting ONE PERSON I go down to 5. My settings are all on their lowest except resolution (640x480). Engine for low-end PC's my ass
When your computer is two generations old processor wise, AND is about 1/5 to 1/6th the 'speed' of the top of the line processor, it is TIME TO UPGRADE.