02-12-2002, 11:46 AM
Yup werner so coorect.....
I mean in WW2 you could'nt jump like bunny rabbits around corners to prevent from getting shot in fact with a thompson and all that stuff on your back, you couldnt probly jump 10 inches nor whould you it would give your posistion away. My granpop was in WW2 so was my uncle (he was a medic he said he saw awful awful sights...
My granpop was hit by shrapnel two times, hes still alive, though my uncle died...
Let us salute the true heroes... the ones who struggled to win what they did.. (salute)
Starcraft is still good...... really I mean it.
[This message has been edited by newbieassulted (edited February 12, 2002).]