Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
02-12-2002, 09:53 AM
..its funny(+quite refreshing)how all of a sudden people who are playing this game and writing on these forums are now finally learning about the brave sacrifices that were made for us in world war 2.
Of course alot has changed since then but we should never forget about the real heros who died for us during those massive and horrible conflicts.
May they Rest In Peace.
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
02-12-2002, 10:05 AM
sadly jimbob mojo, you're missing the point i made.
yes, we're all loving and enjoying the game but i'm talking about the real thing, no health packs or cheating back then.
gladly, alot of people are opening their eyes and minds because of this game and showing more interest.
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
in games that are hard? is that the interest? or games that you get shot once in the entire game and it is over like that? that is realism. one leg wound and the rest of the game is laying in a bed pinching nurses for months on end. sounds like fun. good idea for a game. could be called: "Beadpan of Honor: I lied in bed assualt"
Good call Miyagi. For those who actually *think* after playing these scenarios, particularly after something as horrific as Omaha, I think good has been done. Too many deathmatch-shooter-kiddies treat this as another game with guns instead of realizing that this was as much the reality for people (especially military-aged young men) back then as Afghanistan is now, even moreso because there was a real risk of us losing the war.
I understand your point Miyagi....
But this is just a game, and most people that bought it dont care about the history of WW2 (like JimBobMojo),or they just want to beat another shooting game,and buy another.I think you should calm down and let people do whatever they want,and I do respect the men that fought and died in WW2.
I mean in WW2 you could'nt jump like bunny rabbits around corners to prevent from getting shot in fact with a thompson and all that stuff on your back, you couldnt probly jump 10 inches nor whould you it would give your posistion away. My granpop was in WW2 so was my uncle (he was a medic he said he saw awful awful sights...
My granpop was hit by shrapnel two times, hes still alive, though my uncle died...
Let us salute the true heroes... the ones who struggled to win what they did.. (salute)
Starcraft is still good...... really I mean it.
[This message has been edited by newbieassulted (edited February 12, 2002).]