06-14-2004, 01:25 PM
you are so full of S**T Chicken.
1. Don't go flaming my group because you dont have the patience to sit still for 10 min and do anything creative. All i see is you running your mouth off around here.
2. Don't tell me you didnt convert anything either cause we both know that is a f*cking lie.
3. Don't go saying that it took my team 3 days to make CN either jackass cause you obviously know crap about modding.
4. I'm sure the over 100,000 downloads of CN mods killed MOHAA too. You are such an idiot. mods like CN, HITP, and MW are what keeps MOHAA alive. We gave people a fun new game for free with nothing in return expected. So don't go bashing us for spending our time and money on something we did for nothing. I actually went out and baught lightray just to add those weapons and new anims for that mod!
I don't usually flame people because it gets you nowhere and usually they aren't even worth the time. Only when someone disrespects something that took a long time to make or because they are frecking idiots like chicken here (who I had to block from my messenger a year ago for being such an immature b00n) does my temper flare.
Have a nice day hellfire: