ok i wasnt bashing CN i was bashing hawke,cause he thinks hes a fucking historian. now,hobbs explain how CN gave mohaa life.
i d/l CN played for 3 days,then unistalled mohaa.
WHY did i unistall mohaa and CN:
1.i was working on modern warfare at the time and i new that if it wasnt the first TC out it wouldnt make it.but now it might.
2.CN was ok,but i was part of the cs and dod community too.my freinds were upset because you guys converted their stuff without asking most of them(thats what they said).
3.the models frankly didnt look that good,because when exported,the smoothing groups were messed and textures went missaligned,and plus some animations didnt fit.
im not bashing it hobbs,you took time on it and i respect that,but other people spent time on those models too,and noone asked.credit was given tho,but inside,i would have been pissed too.
it also caused
http://www.weapon-hacks.com to close because thats where the models came from.
[quote:6add6]1. Don't go flaming my group because you dont have the patience to sit still for 10 MINS and do anything creative. All i see is you running your mouth off around here.
ok,well i do actually:
1. i make a model from scratch (time=2 to 3 days)
2. i uvw/map the model (time=1 day)
3.i have a buddy to skin the model(time= 2to 3 days)
4.seeing my brand new shiny model with a beutiful skin and seeing all the hard work (TIMELESS)
p.s. at least im running my mouth for a cause.
[quote:6add6]2. Don't tell me you didnt convert anything either cause we both know that is a f*cking lie. [/quote:6add6]
i have converted,but it was practice in LR3D its what some of you guys told me to do.i never gave any away or released any either.
1 more thing,you said i didnt have the patience to sit for 10MINS and do something creative at first huh?
[quote:6add6]3. Don't go saying that it took my team 3 days to make CN either jackass cause you obviously know crap about modding. [/quote:6add6]
ok you said i convert stuff but havent got the time to sit and do it,and i dont know shit about it? ok whatever.
look hobbs im not flaming you or CN its great.but my buddies in other communities didnt like it.
when i say kiled mohaa,the enitire comm isnt dead,i meant some of the great people like:
1.you, i havent seen anything from you in a couple months
3.cobra(not sure if hes gone or not)
4.G hes doin other things now.
what kept mohaa alive was trying to get new models in it.now that it doesent take but 10mins it has no purpose(not saying everybody).
p.s. hawke im tired of arguing with you,im no 10 y/o boon either.
1 more thing hobbs,when you can avtually make your own models and stuff you get alot more satisfaction.