09-04-2004, 02:13 PM
I think its pretty good so far, played through it a few times, some weird stuff like when you use an mg your vision starts to blur after a few rounds, maybe its meant to be a heat haze coming off the gun or the vibration of it shaking you. Graphically its nice, obviously not doom 3 standard but its a hell of an improvement over allied assault. Seems to retain the same feel as allied assault, i just put my mouse upto full speed and it didn't feel sluggish at all. Ai has suprised me a few times, i was in a hut firing out and one of the litttle bastards ran in the side door and started bayonetting me. cuss:
The grenades seem a bit weird though, you're meant to be able to "cook them off" like in rtcw, ive held it for 3 seconds primed and thrown it and it still seemed to sit on the ground for a while before detonating. The actual visual effect of the nade exploding i think was much better in allied assault, in this its pretty hard to tell if your grenade has actually exploded.
Already encountered one bug, i was in "death state" with the japanese rifle, i get revived and i get up running about with an invisible rifle in my hand, it fixed itself once i switched to the tommygun and back though.
Also a few scripted sequences like the corsair ploughing into the ground when you;re heading for the mg or the zero crashing into the guard tower, would be nice if they added some kind of variable so these happened once in a while and not every time.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.