08-09-2002, 06:06 AM
After unzipping a map with a .pk3.zip extension, you should have at least a new folder on your MOHAA\main called maps, but probably there are more (music, scripts, textures, ui). The only folders that should be there are:
configs, save, screenshots, sound, video
(unless you're using the map editor, that is)
The mods installed like that work perfectly, but the problem with installing them that way is that should you need to uninstall just one of them, you should look in every folder to delete the appropiate files, which can be a real (and confusing) pain. My advice is remove every folder not in the above list and then copy the .pk3.zip files to main and remove the .zip part of his name. You may move the offending folders to your desktop instead of delete them, so that you don't lose any mod unexpectedly.
Sorry if I said unzipping them was lame; actually, many of my clan members did that :roll:
Hope it helps...