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Default 03-30-2005, 04:42 PM

not really memorable ones but ones I thought were funny


Michael keaton talking to his clones
"You're smoking, I spent 3000 to quit"

"yea, so...." blows smoke in his face

"dont blow smoke in my face"

"what ya gonna do about it"

"I'll hit you so hard I'll kill him" pointing to other clone.

Wolverine walks out after battling mystique

"whoa whoa its me"
cyclops - "oh yea, prove it"
wolverine "you're a dick"
cyclops - "alright good enough for me"

Also the scene of john goodman coming out of the mud after escaping prison in Raising Arizona.
Fucking hilarious

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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