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Default 05-20-2005, 06:30 PM

I completely agree with Spike here, and great find BTW...I hadn't seen this +1.

Sacrificing life to preserve it is the very basis of the best qualities of Mankind. We refere to those who make such a sacrifice as the ultimate heroes.
But, that is beside the point. It has been shown that with some basic evolution of technology the needed stem cells could be cultivated from the frickin' hair at the bottom of your shower.

Also, this is not some research that is targeted at creating the first batch of engineered children, it has a much more noble intent, and is part of the very core of our future survival as a race.
This could allow us to defeat the greatest threat mankind has ever known, and by that I mean our progress towards the elimination of viral and cancerous illness.

I do of course understand that mankind as a whole may not be ready for this. We are still a race divided and there are certainly those out there who would use this kind of technology for the worst of purposes.
But never...not a single time have we let that stop us, why should this be any different?
I won't go into a Bush bashing frenzy here, but I do not agree with the president on this, mostly because of his inabillity to understand more than his own viewpoint.
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