05-26-2005, 11:07 PM
most are from mohaa
mohaa stalingrad, being in the stairwell to the tower hearing the exchange of fire from every direction with grenades going off left and right... running behind 2 dudes hearded for that board bridge thing going into the room seeing a grenade roll into it with us, making a hard right (into that little space) and barely surviving.
mohaa snowy park, crawling in the snow (with atleast 12 guys) hearing nothing but the snow being compacted then a pause (maybe 5-6 seconds) and best firefight ever.
mohaa destroyed village, me and my friend in a crater taking fire and killing krauts... we rush the church and see a allied dude throw a grenade into the tower and watching 2 nazis jump out and get shot before hitting the ground.
mohaa the bridge being in the tower with my springfield blowing the top of a krauts head off.
friends from school on mohaa.