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Default 08-25-2002, 07:29 PM

One day four cool: cool: cool: cool:s were having a casual drink in a general happy: mood. a freak: walked into the pub and the cool: cool: cool: cool:s went oOo: at him. The freak: didnt see why the cool: cool: cool: cool: s were looking at him like oOo: then one of the cool:s who was mwah: than the other cool: cool: cool:s pointed out the freak:s third eye ed: .
The freak: got cry: at this and the other three cool: cool: cool:s hake: at what the first cool: had done to the poor freak:. The cool: got mad: at his three cool: cool: cool: and fire2: two of his cool: cool:s. The fourth cool: fought back M16: and it ended in a swordfight:.
the freak: was like ed: at what he saw with his three eyes but thought oOo: of it and settled down for a quiet drink. and was happy: to know the four cool: cool: cool: cool:s were now angel: angel: angel: angel:s.
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