The Emoticons story -Kind of -
08-25-2002, 07:40 AM
Don't know how well this will work but let see you guys try it
Me and this other cool: got into a swordfight: the other day while playing MOH. I was minding my own business. When out of know were he eatthis: . Well this made me mad: . I then took out my fire2: and shot him. He then in turned pulled out his M16:. I was like oOo: . I ran behind the wall and came back with my bigzooka: . You should have seen the look ed: on his face.
OK, I know that was terrible, but lets see some of the more creative people around here tell a story using the Emoticons. biggrin:
one day on the way hope from a friends house i was biggrin: and from behind a store i saw a evil: and a freak: i whipped out a chop: and we got in a swordfight: they put me to sleep: then the probed me.
There was this movie about a oOo: who met up with some robots. One was happy: and the other was cool:
Then they met this old dude who was zooka:
They got into a space ship and when to fight this big black cry:. The old guy who was zooka: swordfight: the cry: guy who was even bigzooka: so the old guy angel:
Then there was two other movies where oOo: got bigzooka: and swordfight: cry:. cry: got killed and became angel:
yea I like to represent with my cool: but this mwah: was cry: so ed: ed: with the ed: fire2: mad: zooka: hake: ed: eek: so after that swordfight: eatthis: M16: fire1: biggrin: cry:
da fd cry: sdaf angel: He zooka: s swordfight: wddddd And afterwards fire2: up a mwah: Later he got ffl esdf by the freak: because he had no underpants with the dangly angel: dafz eatthis:
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08-25-2002, 07:07 PM
Due to the reaction on the farmer's face, the whole situation entered into complete chaos fire1: swordfight: M16:
there was nothing the angel: could do about this so he got out his big bigzooka: and blew the crap outta the freaky oOo: eyed goon from another babylon.
for some reason the wrong cool: representatives had given all the power to the crying cry: devil, maybe this could explain the sudden shift in freak: gayness.
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
One day four cool: cool: cool: cool:s were having a casual drink in a general happy: mood. a freak: walked into the pub and the cool: cool: cool: cool:s went oOo: at him. The freak: didnt see why the cool: cool: cool: cool: s were looking at him like oOo: then one of the cool:s who was mwah: than the other cool: cool: cool:s pointed out the freak:s third eye ed: .
The freak: got cry: at this and the other three cool: cool: cool:s hake: at what the first cool: had done to the poor freak:. The cool: got mad: at his three cool: cool: cool: and fire2: two of his cool: cool:s. The fourth cool: fought back M16: and it ended in a swordfight:.
the freak: was like ed: at what he saw with his three eyes but thought oOo: of it and settled down for a quiet drink. and was happy: to know the four cool: cool: cool: cool:s were now angel: angel: angel: angel:s.