Thread: IPOD 5G
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Default 10-19-2005, 09:20 AM

Ipod Shuffle 1gig: $129
Ipod Nano 2 gig: $199
Ipod Nano 4 gig: $249
Ipod 5g 30 gig: $299
Ipod 5g 60 gig: $399

So what the fuck is up with that. The price differance from 4 gig to 30 is mear pitance. Plus the nano doesnt support video like the 30 gigger. Frankly all this does is make the Nano pretty fucking pointless, esspecially since the 5g is pretty fucking small it self.

Im assuming the mini was cut out of the line up and replaced with the nano. Since a 5 gig mini would be at right at $299 with the 30 gig making it completly fucking worthless.

For a compairison... I have 25 movies on my HDD right now, they total 23.8 gigs. Season 2 of Futurama at 3.25 gigs. Then everything Family guy, all 5 seasons, and movie; at 9.97 gigs. If anyone feels the need to purchase a 60 gig ipod for movies, there a fucking moron.
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