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Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default 11-15-2005, 12:40 AM

i didn't kill anyone, i did shoot at them though. but afghani's are the type to shoot and run away. not that i got into any massive firefight's or anything super cool. moments of contact were few and far between. but the afghan national army loved shooting at me... and they were on our side. because of them, i learned that a 7.62 round going right by your head sounds like a .22 being fired. it's a long story that's not nearly as cool as it sounds, so i'll leave it sounding cool. but, more than likely, i'll tell you the funny stories over the life threatening ones because... well, funny stories are better. like when the ana were shooting at us, i was asleep at the time, and they were having a firefight with their imaginations, so i learned to sleep through the rpk and ak fire. but all of the sudden, there's this popping sound going off right next to my truck. it's irritating the fuck out of me. so i stick my head out the window, and try to find out who's shooting the .22. i ask the gunner on top of the truck, and he tells me that he's wondering the same thing and doesn't see anyone. the next morning, we ask someone else, and he told us that we were being shot at by retards and those were bullets breaking the sound barrier right by our heads. i was like, "oh... well then. i guess i'll keep my head in the truck from now on."
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