12-19-2005, 01:36 PM
meh...when you all have the "balls" to pollute the gene pool you can make your own decision. As far as a child being raised in an environment where guns are....its all up to the parents. if they raise the child with the healthy respect that goes along with owning a firearm then go for it...treat every gun as loaded and dont ever let me see that finger on the trigger...open the action etc etc etc.
ive 2 daughters...the eldest seems to be a tom boy. she is likely to ask whats up with Dada leaving for a week at the end of Nov. and coming home with racks. I can only teach her WHAT I VIEW AS PROPER and in accordance with the laws of the land...the rest is up to her. Most have heard the tale of the 8-10 yr old girl shooting a bear in Md.
I wouldnt alloow my daughter to operate a firearm in a controlled environment until she can demonstrate responsibility and clean her fucking room to start....but is she persists (and im not the kind of dad that will want her to do everything I did...she will have all the opportunities I can afford her and thats that) I will teahc her the way of the ranger and woods etc etc etc...now roll that d20 and make a save versus logic