Originally Posted by Machette
.... well if they weren't invented we wouldn't have a logic in which our first reaction is to pick up the gun and shoot somebody. ...
Machette, have you ever heard the saying, "God created men and Sam Colt made them equal"? Saying that if all guns were abolished then there would be no need for them does not take into account that men are generally bigger and stronger than women, that some men are bigger and stronger than others, etc. I've related several times in this forum how having a gun saved my dad's life. I don't need to go into that again other than to say that a twenty something year old drug crazed nut job can kill a 70-something year old coot without the use of a gun.
And again, even if you look at guns owned illegally, saying the "huge majority" are used irresponsibly doesn't hold up, unless you think there are only 139 illiegal gun owners in Toronto. The fact is that many folks that are against gun ownership have never been around them. That's why I think gun ownership will die a slow death. Fewer and fewer people (it seems to me) hunt, or shoot recreationally, or are exposed to guns in anyway other than what thy see on the news or in movies. So, since they don't really understand guns, they fear them.
I grew up hunting with my dad. All of our shotguns hung in our hallway in a gun rack. This rack was the old timey kind that was just hooks and a shelf for ammo. It was not locked in any way. I walked by those guns every day of my life as I went back and forth to my room. It never dawned on my to touch them unless I was going hunting. They held no mystery for me. I think what happens in alot of gun accidents is that you have a kid that is curious about his dad's gun. I was never "curious" because I got to use them all the time. I had seen the damage they can do and I had been taught all about safely handling them.
That's why I think this little girl in the film is being taught a valuable lesson. I would say that her chances of growing up to be a "gang" member are far less than the kid whose parents are scared to have him exposed to gun ownership.
As for your question as to why guns exist ... guns exist to propel bullets, and shot, at a high velocity toward a target. Bullets and shot exist for personal protection, food gathering, recreational target shooting, protection from government oppression, and to basically punch holes in anything that gets in their way.