Thread: F**king PRICK
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Default 12-27-2005, 11:34 AM

there are few things more infuriating...

a taxi smashed into me coming behind me right in front of my apartment about 3 weeks ago. he tore off my front bumper, and the total repair cost was 1600. i only had to pay my 500 dollar insurance deductable though. still, with the dozen phone calls, insurance quotes, various forms to fill out....what a giant pain in the ass.

i too, used to be mr. road rage. before i got my civic (which is perfect for city driving), i had a 94 thunderbird SC with the supercharged 3.8. i used to race any fucker who even passed me fast, didnt even have to be driving erratically. annoy: rofl, i once chased a guy, caught him in an empty parking lot...and then did doughnuts around his car, then sped away. it is painful to admit shit like that, but that was when i was 19 yr old douche.

now that i am 25, i too, feel much like Arkan does. also, when you finally do encounter the crazy fuck who stops his car in the middle of the street, and then walks toward you to confront will change your mind.

i would file the complaint, along with that online thing you did
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