03-29-2006, 08:15 PM
I do not agree with the students actually waving the Mexican flag and turning the USA flag upside down. That is plain stupidity on their part. I am the son of immigrant parents. I was lucky enough to have been born in the USA. I know why these people protest and want immigration reform. If you look at the Los Angeles protest where 500,000 people marched, the majority of them waved American flags. Now these dumb students, most of them don't know squat on why they are even protesting. The only reason they do it is to cut class. Others just want to portray themselves as rebels by waving the Mexican flag so they are seemed as being supportive of immigration reform. Pay no attention to these idiots. If undocumented immigrants want reform to favor them, they need to show that they love this country, they want to assimilate, and follow the law. The ones I know fully love this country and the opportunity it gives them. I understand why some people don't care about what they say and just want them deported as they gained entry into this country illegally. Try to look at the situation through their eyes. Coming from a shitty country like Mexico, I would know my parents are Mexican, my mother likes going there at least every year mostly because our family is there. Besides that, I could care less about the Mexican government. It's filled with corruption and crime and thus I avoid it. Only reason I would go is again because family is over there and my heritage. Its not feasible to try and deport 12 to 20 million people and send them back to a country they haven't been in for years. An example would be a good friend of mine. This friend went to high school with me. He graduated, works, and is still going to community college. Now this poor bastard has to work his ass off to work here and go to school here. He was not as lucky as I was; he was brought here illegally by his parents when he was 7 years old. He is as American as anyone born here. He has never been to his home country since he has been here. He doesn't remember it. Contrary to popular myth and stereotypical thought, he does not leech off the system. He is not on welfare, has no type of medical insurance, or gets financial aid to go to college. He works because he has a false social security. He gets paid with a check. He pays taxes, and contributes to the social security fund even though he will never get a dime of it. My point is if tough immigration reform is passed, it is not fair to people like my friend. It was not his fault that he came here illegally and now lives here, is assimilated, all around American. He knows no other home but the United States. There has to be a reasonable resolution to this problem. Protect the border however you want. The best solution is already on the tables with the McCain and Kennedy bill.