[quote="Recycled Spooge":3c562]
Originally Posted by Arkan
oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?
Yes, but Canada was not attacked by terrorists, and Canada is not about rid the world of terrorists on the scale the U.S. wants to. Getting rid of Iraq wont get rid of terrorism. Getting rid of Osama wont get rid of terrorists. Thnk about what would have happened if Hitler was killed by the Allies in 1941 or 1942?[/quote:3c562]
Canada, or any other country for that matter can't wipe out terrorism on it's own, so i'll give you that. Getting rid of Saddam or Bin douchebag won't rid the world of terrorists, i'll give you that too.
Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what? If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me. You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us? Heck, maybe i should just pack my bags and move to Canada. Shit, i forgot, i'll be amoungst those goddam French pussies....oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want."
Originally Posted by Gerard
What in the fuck makes the american army so god damn good in your opinion? They have nukes so what most of the countrys in the world have nukes. You have stealth bombers ? So what, fucking stealth bombers and the flying wing technology date back to ww2 when america ripped off the idea from the germans. Hell if it weren't for ww2 and the technology germany brought forth we might not be as advanced as we are today.
M-60? an mg-42 rip off, grease gun? mp-40 rip off. Fuck even the springfield-03 was basically a rip off of the mauser 98k and the spring field company after ww1 had to pay the mauser company royalties for the design. Jet technology was basically another german innovation.
Americas tanks after ww2 used designs HEAVILY inspired from the german tiger tanks. If it weren't for ww2 and germany america may just have become a recluse country again.
So you keep you little americas army rules tirade going, we all know most of the stuff is a rip off from other countrys developments. For you to say another countrys army sucks is just fucking plain ignorant. What happens if america send troops into an attack and they get their asses handed to them and the french kick some ass? Do the french still suck or i suppose you'll be pulling excuse after excuse out of your ass to cover for the 31337 army who just got a skull fucking they'll never forget.
fuck i hate these threads. M16:
You're a retard. Go back and re-read my posts you moron. I never said a word about the French military.....all i said is the French SUCK. I didn't say "French military", i said the "French". The French always come up with excuses why we shouldn't do this or that. After the attacks, they were hesitant to say they were against terrorism and were afraid to join the fight in fear of their country being attacked. Besides, any American will tell you the French don't particularly care for us.....and for what i don't know or give a shit why...they still SUCK.
As for the American military, i didn't go around tooting our horns. As a matter of fact, i don't think i directly said anything about our armed forces. Who cares where the technology came from. It's there so we should use it. I guess the rest of the world should stop using electricity because Ben Franklin invented it? How stupid is that!! It's no wonder you hate these threads...you sound like an ass!!
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I agree Gerard.
...of course....one Canadian agreeing with another. Big suprise there!!