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View Poll Results: Are you in favor of a war with Iraq?
Hell no. 6 19.35%
Hell yes. 15 48.39%
So far there just isn't a good reason. 10 32.26%
Voters: 31. You may not vote on this poll

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Old Reliable is Offline
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Default 09-07-2002, 07:35 AM

Sodamn is a scourge
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Default 09-07-2002, 08:00 AM

Saddam is not a scourge, hollywood releasing second rate movies is a scourge, saddam is a japanese schoolgirl compared to hollywood, if i were you id buy an assault rifle and prepare to defend your backyard from Jason Biggs and Freddie prinze jr.
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Default 09-07-2002, 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
But I hate Saddam for one reason and one reason only, he is a flatout prick, and his life needs to be ended and democratic rule put in place of his regime
Nice reasoning Wookie, you guys sound brainwashed. I still havn't heard a legit reason for war with Iraq. If Bush can't even come up with one, I highly doubt you guys will be able to.
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Default 09-07-2002, 11:11 AM

[quote="ColinXP [3rdArmy]":aeb2b]
Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
But I hate Saddam for one reason and one reason only, he is a flatout prick, and his life needs to be ended and democratic rule put in place of his regime
Nice reasoning Wookie, you guys sound brainwashed. I still havn't heard a legit reason for war with Iraq. If Bush can't even come up with one, I highly doubt you guys will be able to.[/quote:aeb2b]

I would'nt call wook brainwashed, his country last I checked is against a war in Iraq, therefor he is against the norm. And I am not brainwashed either, I for many years was a democrat(sadly) until I realized they were weaking our military, and our borders, letting terrorists go(osama anyone) and whinig, pissing and moaning about everything. Have you heard what clinton had the audactiy to say? " We should not be going after saddam, we should be going after osama" hake: Clinton was handed the chance to get Osama by Sudan and he turned it down. I am now a staunch Conservitive Republican and damn proud of it. But I dont always follow the party line, the norm for conservitives is anti-abortion, I am pro-choice, Bush wanted to give many Illegals amnisty, I thought that idea was shit. So I form my own thoughts and follow them through I dont let other tell me what to believe.
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Default 09-07-2002, 11:20 AM

Uh, ya! Whatever dude.

You really think you can stop terrorists from entering the US when you can't
even do shit about drugs ? Please. The only thing your new "security scam"
is doing is making it harder for normal people to get on the planes... and
maybe, just maybe the amateurs that want to hop on a plane with a knife
or something else with no intention of causing mayhem.

And forget about your precious "army": they're TOY SOLDIERS. There, I said
it. TOY SOLDIERS: they enroll in the army to go kick some ass oversea, get
trained day after day after day... but we won't use them because life is way
too precious. Yours is a scare-tactic army. Too bad most groups are catching

Enough from me for now... time for my medication.
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Default 09-07-2002, 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
[quote:cfc64]This war is gonna be a bit bigger and a bit longer.
Ya man ! Show 'em who's got the phattest sack ! We'll show them how much
bigger and longer our dicks are... while fucking them all the way

wow i didnt even see it cuming ed: evil:[/quote:cfc64]

Did you say cumming? Been watching a little too much porn?
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Default 09-07-2002, 12:47 PM

SoLiDUS...if our army is "Toy Solidiers", what do you call yours??

oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?

The world is my urinal
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Default 09-07-2002, 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?
Yes, but Canada was not attacked by terrorists, and Canada is not about rid the world of terrorists on the scale the U.S. wants to. Getting rid of Iraq wont get rid of terrorism. Getting rid of Osama wont get rid of terrorists. Thnk about what would have happened if Hitler was killed by the Allies in 1941 or 1942?
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geRV is Offline
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Default 09-07-2002, 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
[BallisticWookie] Right on're my new hero!!

[Gerald]...i think i'll call you Gerald!!

[Innoxx] The Brits kick ass but the French still suck!!


What in the fuck makes the american army so god damn good in your opinion? They have nukes so what most of the countrys in the world have nukes. You have stealth bombers ? So what, fucking stealth bombers and the flying wing technology date back to ww2 when america ripped off the idea from the germans. Hell if it weren't for ww2 and the technology germany brought forth we might not be as advanced as we are today.

M-60? an mg-42 rip off, grease gun? mp-40 rip off. Fuck even the springfield-03 was basically a rip off of the mauser 98k and the spring field company after ww1 had to pay the mauser company royalties for the design. Jet technology was basically another german innovation.

Americas tanks after ww2 used designs HEAVILY inspired from the german tiger tanks. If it weren't for ww2 and germany america may just have become a recluse country again.

So you keep you little americas army rules tirade going, we all know most of the stuff is a rip off from other countrys developments. For you to say another countrys army sucks is just fucking plain ignorant. What happens if america send troops into an attack and they get their asses handed to them and the french kick some ass? Do the french still suck or i suppose you'll be pulling excuse after excuse out of your ass to cover for the 31337 army who just got a skull fucking they'll never forget.

fuck i hate these threads. M16:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 09-07-2002, 02:02 PM

I agree Gerard.
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geRV is Offline
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Default 09-07-2002, 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I agree Gerard.
Amazing what a fit of rage can do. happy:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 09-07-2002, 02:09 PM

[quote="Recycled Spooge":3c562]
Originally Posted by Arkan
oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?
Yes, but Canada was not attacked by terrorists, and Canada is not about rid the world of terrorists on the scale the U.S. wants to. Getting rid of Iraq wont get rid of terrorism. Getting rid of Osama wont get rid of terrorists. Thnk about what would have happened if Hitler was killed by the Allies in 1941 or 1942?[/quote:3c562]

Canada, or any other country for that matter can't wipe out terrorism on it's own, so i'll give you that. Getting rid of Saddam or Bin douchebag won't rid the world of terrorists, i'll give you that too.
Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what? If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me. You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us? Heck, maybe i should just pack my bags and move to Canada. Shit, i forgot, i'll be amoungst those goddam French pussies....oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want."

Originally Posted by Gerard

What in the fuck makes the american army so god damn good in your opinion? They have nukes so what most of the countrys in the world have nukes. You have stealth bombers ? So what, fucking stealth bombers and the flying wing technology date back to ww2 when america ripped off the idea from the germans. Hell if it weren't for ww2 and the technology germany brought forth we might not be as advanced as we are today.

M-60? an mg-42 rip off, grease gun? mp-40 rip off. Fuck even the springfield-03 was basically a rip off of the mauser 98k and the spring field company after ww1 had to pay the mauser company royalties for the design. Jet technology was basically another german innovation.

Americas tanks after ww2 used designs HEAVILY inspired from the german tiger tanks. If it weren't for ww2 and germany america may just have become a recluse country again.

So you keep you little americas army rules tirade going, we all know most of the stuff is a rip off from other countrys developments. For you to say another countrys army sucks is just fucking plain ignorant. What happens if america send troops into an attack and they get their asses handed to them and the french kick some ass? Do the french still suck or i suppose you'll be pulling excuse after excuse out of your ass to cover for the 31337 army who just got a skull fucking they'll never forget.

fuck i hate these threads. M16:
You're a retard. Go back and re-read my posts you moron. I never said a word about the French military.....all i said is the French SUCK. I didn't say "French military", i said the "French". The French always come up with excuses why we shouldn't do this or that. After the attacks, they were hesitant to say they were against terrorism and were afraid to join the fight in fear of their country being attacked. Besides, any American will tell you the French don't particularly care for us.....and for what i don't know or give a shit why...they still SUCK.
As for the American military, i didn't go around tooting our horns. As a matter of fact, i don't think i directly said anything about our armed forces. Who cares where the technology came from. It's there so we should use it. I guess the rest of the world should stop using electricity because Ben Franklin invented it? How stupid is that!! It's no wonder you hate these sound like an ass!!

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I agree Gerard.
...of Canadian agreeing with another. Big suprise there!!

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Default 09-07-2002, 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by "Recycled Spooge":22eac
Originally Posted by Arkan
oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?
Yes, but Canada was not attacked by terrorists, and Canada is not about rid the world of terrorists on the scale the U.S. wants to. Getting rid of Iraq wont get rid of terrorism. Getting rid of Osama wont get rid of terrorists. Thnk about what would have happened if Hitler was killed by the Allies in 1941 or 1942?
Canada, or any other country for that matter can't wipe out terrorism on it's own, so i'll give you that. Getting rid of Saddam or Bin douchebag won't rid the world of terrorists, i'll give you that too.
Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what? If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me. You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us? Heck, maybe i should just pack my bags and move to Canada. Shit, i forgot, i'll be amoungst those goddam French pussies....oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want."

Originally Posted by Gerard

What in the fuck makes the american army so god damn good in your opinion? They have nukes so what most of the countrys in the world have nukes. You have stealth bombers ? So what, fucking stealth bombers and the flying wing technology date back to ww2 when america ripped off the idea from the germans. Hell if it weren't for ww2 and the technology germany brought forth we might not be as advanced as we are today.

M-60? an mg-42 rip off, grease gun? mp-40 rip off. Fuck even the springfield-03 was basically a rip off of the mauser 98k and the spring field company after ww1 had to pay the mauser company royalties for the design. Jet technology was basically another german innovation.

Americas tanks after ww2 used designs HEAVILY inspired from the german tiger tanks. If it weren't for ww2 and germany america may just have become a recluse country again.

So you keep you little americas army rules tirade going, we all know most of the stuff is a rip off from other countrys developments. For you to say another countrys army sucks is just fucking plain ignorant. What happens if america send troops into an attack and they get their asses handed to them and the french kick some ass? Do the french still suck or i suppose you'll be pulling excuse after excuse out of your ass to cover for the 31337 army who just got a skull fucking they'll never forget.

fuck i hate these threads. M16:
You're a retard. Go back and re-read my posts you moron. I never said a word about the French military.....all i said is the French SUCK. I didn't say "French military", i said the "French". The French always come up with excuses why we shouldn't do this or that. After the attacks, they were hesitant to say they were against terrorism and were afraid to join the fight in fear of their country being attacked. Besides, any American will tell you the French don't particularly care for us.....and for what i don't know or give a shit why...they still SUCK.
As for the American military, i didn't go around tooting our horns. As a matter of fact, i don't think i directly said anything about our armed forces. Who cares where the technology came from. It's there so we should use it. I guess the rest of the world should stop using electricity because Ben Franklin invented it? How stupid is that!! It's no wonder you hate these sound like an ass!![/quote:22eac]

You said the FRENCH WERE WEAK u fucking twat. Last i checked french people joined the french fucking army so you're saying the country AND their army is weak moron.

The french have a policy of not diving headfirst into everything where america has the policy of diving headfirst into everything knowing that it has its nuke arsenal and army as its backup. Sooner or later this little policy is gona backfire. Vietnam shoulda shut some people up and it did, another vietnam is what america doesn't need.

As for the technology theres a difference. Electricity was invented for world wide use its not exactly something that would have or could have for that matter remained in one countrys possession for any givewn length of time. As country progress they would have developed it over time. However america ripped off a lot of technologys over the years and basically claimed them as their own.

It has been said that germany during ww2 were technologically 5 years ahead of any other country in the world. Now if they hadn't ripped off this stuff from the germans during and at the conclusion of ww2 would america be the big superpower today? Probably not. At the end of ww1 america demilitarised and became a recluse country, the only reason they started developing weapons at the end of ww2 is because of korea and the "cold war" that followed.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 09-07-2002, 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by "Recycled Spooge":b938f
Originally Posted by Arkan
oh, and another thing, they don't have a drug problem in Canada?
Yes, but Canada was not attacked by terrorists, and Canada is not about rid the world of terrorists on the scale the U.S. wants to. Getting rid of Iraq wont get rid of terrorism. Getting rid of Osama wont get rid of terrorists. Thnk about what would have happened if Hitler was killed by the Allies in 1941 or 1942?
Canada, or any other country for that matter can't wipe out terrorism on it's own, so i'll give you that. Getting rid of Saddam or Bin douchebag won't rid the world of terrorists, i'll give you that too.
Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what? If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me. You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us? Heck, maybe i should just pack my bags and move to Canada. Shit, i forgot, i'll be amoungst those goddam French pussies....oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want."

Originally Posted by Gerard

What in the fuck makes the american army so god damn good in your opinion? They have nukes so what most of the countrys in the world have nukes. You have stealth bombers ? So what, fucking stealth bombers and the flying wing technology date back to ww2 when america ripped off the idea from the germans. Hell if it weren't for ww2 and the technology germany brought forth we might not be as advanced as we are today.

M-60? an mg-42 rip off, grease gun? mp-40 rip off. Fuck even the springfield-03 was basically a rip off of the mauser 98k and the spring field company after ww1 had to pay the mauser company royalties for the design. Jet technology was basically another german innovation.

Americas tanks after ww2 used designs HEAVILY inspired from the german tiger tanks. If it weren't for ww2 and germany america may just have become a recluse country again.

So you keep you little americas army rules tirade going, we all know most of the stuff is a rip off from other countrys developments. For you to say another countrys army sucks is just fucking plain ignorant. What happens if america send troops into an attack and they get their asses handed to them and the french kick some ass? Do the french still suck or i suppose you'll be pulling excuse after excuse out of your ass to cover for the 31337 army who just got a skull fucking they'll never forget.

fuck i hate these threads. M16:
You're a retard. Go back and re-read my posts you moron. I never said a word about the French military.....all i said is the French SUCK. I didn't say "French military", i said the "French". The French always come up with excuses why we shouldn't do this or that. After the attacks, they were hesitant to say they were against terrorism and were afraid to join the fight in fear of their country being attacked. Besides, any American will tell you the French don't particularly care for us.....and for what i don't know or give a shit why...they still SUCK.
As for the American military, i didn't go around tooting our horns. As a matter of fact, i don't think i directly said anything about our armed forces. Who cares where the technology came from. It's there so we should use it. I guess the rest of the world should stop using electricity because Ben Franklin invented it? How stupid is that!! It's no wonder you hate these sound like an ass!![/quote:b938f]

Ben Franklin didn't invent electricity. If I was in control of the U.S., I would certainly not attack Iraq because Iraq never attacked the U.S. It's a crazy idea, no? How about attacking Saudi Arabia; the homeland of the 9/11 terrorists? What a crazy idea! Try to use some logic. How about removing naval fleets and military bases off the Persian Gulf. The Arab states there are like under the iron curtain over there; either you submit to U.S. authority, or you get your shit blown up. Saudi Arabia is just as "evil" as Iraq but since it submits and agrees with the U.S. it's an ally now; although it's press and media is largely anti-American and anti-semitic. Same thing with China by the way.
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Default 09-07-2002, 02:39 PM

[quote:0ddce]Would you like us to just forget we were attacked and let the terrorists have their way? Are you for real or what?[/quote:0ddce]

You're like that pussy kid that got picked on in junior high, only to develop
an unhealthy obsession with his attackers. You can remember, but one of
these days, you will have to move on. I don't think I need to extrapolate on

[quote:0ddce]If you keep taking out the top leaders, eventually the empire will fall. Killing Saddam and Bin Douchebag is a good start if you ask me.[/quote:0ddce]

That is a fallacy: there will always be someone to take the Kingpin's place.
History keeps repeating itself, yet people just don't get the lesson.

[quote:0ddce]You have any other alternatives you'd like to share with the rest of us?[/quote:0ddce]

Ya, I do have a suggestion: how about using those billions you waste on
your TOY ARMY to good use, ie. helping the poor in your own country and
extending outward from there ? I know of four or five possible retorts to
this, and none of them are any good... so save your breath.

[quote:0ddce]oh well, like Mick Jagger once said: "you can't always get what you want." [/quote:0ddce]

Perhaps you should heed his words yourself.
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