09-07-2002, 10:40 PM
Here's my opinion on WWII games:
BF1942 is lots of fun, the vehicles and large maps just add to the fun, and there is quite a bit of authenticity in the vehicles etc. but it is very deathmatchy. The same 11 year old kids from MOHAA decided to come over to BF1942 and shoot me down when I'm taking off because I got the plane first.
It gets annoying when everybody is just running every-which-way trying to grab vehicles and cannons shooting people from every direction. It is also very hard to hit people with most guns. The net code is very poor. Just TRY to hit someone with a rifle while they're running. I've actually sat in a hiding place and tried to pick someone off with a rifle while I was prone, and I still havent done it. Its also very choppy and inaccurate with assault weapons. Unfortunately it turned into an all out strafe-shoot-fest like mohaa.
MOHAA is basically BF without vehicles, so it = worse. Although in most ways MOHAA is better visually.
Now for realism. DoD is just better by far. It pays such close attention to WWII authenticity. The guns have way better recoil, making more realistic gun-fights, cancelling out strafing or any of that. If you want to experience more of a WWII battle-feel, then DOD is the best. You have to take cover, stay low and work together. Unfortunately it may not be visually appealing to some kids....the gameplay makes up for it though.
i guess this is just my opinion tho