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Default 11-07-2006, 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Explain to me how they can choose who goes to the big game when 8 teams have a perfect record?
When have 8 teams ever wound up with a perfect record at the end of the regular season?

It really isn't that hard to see that, despite being undefeated, Utah and Boise State had no business being in the national championship in 2004.

The legitimate question is how can they choose who goes to the big game when 3 real teams have a perfect record.

As for your comments that the same teams are good every year, that has already been debunked, but there is some degree of truth to it. Despite sucking this year, Miami and Florida State WILL be dominant again, just as Oklahoma had their down period during the 90's [speaking of OU, I'd love to know why you guys think a 1 loss Oklahoma team sucks (fuck Oregon)] and Miami had their first during the mid 90s.
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