Originally Posted by Miscguy
Oh no, they just ticket you twice. If we got ticketed we just said fuck paying for the rest of the day. Nope, they came back and issued a second ticket. Its a loop hole to the double jeopardy of being prossicuted for the same crime twice. That they say you exceeded the time limit of two hours, and for the second ticket they say the meter hadnt been paid. Its the same fucking thing, but are classified as two differant types of parking violation. Since some areas arnt metered they just have time limits, but meters with a posted limit are a double whammy. I was well beyond pissed that day, $70 for one day of parking.
Also as a side note, if i had tried the leave an old ticket, they actually did open up the tickets and look and it never worked. Infact since we worked there the ticket was likly from the day before, and you would get a bigger fine as they think you just didnt move. Eventually they even started recognizing our cars and were quite ruthless when it came to timing them to be ticketed. Its not like we were doing anything wrong or getting angry with them, we were often very nice to them, but they knew that we had to park there, and that we couldnt always baby sit our cars.
Well parking without feeding the meter isnt a criminal offense, therefore wouldnt fall under the double jeopardy rule
At work, ive written a handful of cites for students who refuse to move their vehicle while they are away on vacation or whatever, one for everyday the vehicle doesnt move. There was one car that had about 8 combined from myself and others i work with - I just lined them up all across the windshield