10-10-2002, 10:14 AM
10) In Chicago: "Congratulations Canada on having running water in all five states."
9) In Washington, D.C.: "Congratulations Canada on your first national railroad."
8) In Washington, D.C.: "Congratulations Canada on 268 consecutive days of snow."
7) At Harvard: "Yes, I believe the seal slaughter should be stopped in Saskatchewan."
6) In Chicago: "Congratulations Canada on making Beaver Balls your national dish."
5) At Mount Rushmore: "Congratulations Canada, our Eskimo neighbours to the South, on your new Mount Mulroneyuk."
4) Governor of Arkansas: "Congratulations Canada on preserving your national igloo."
3) In New York: "Yes, I think Jean Chretien-Pinochet should be charged with crimes against humanity."
2) In New York: "Yes, I think it is time to bomb Gilles Duceppe."
1) Texas Governor George W. Bush: I'm glad to have the support of Prime Minister Jean 'Poutine.'