Whats the best program for skinning? -
10-08-2003, 06:54 PM
Simple as that. Whats the best program for skinning? I have Paint Shop Pro but I don't like it. I was thinkin about Photoshop but I dont know if its any good.
if you have a good understanding of psp, you can use photoshop with a little getting used to, personally i prefer photoshop, it gives me much better results...
I use psp7 and the gimp (windows version) I did use photoshop but i errrm lost it yup thats it lol.
I suggest all 3 cos some things are easier certain effects etc in 1 than the other.
Ya.....When I make skins and I want to put something very fine on it like blood with black in the middle of the splatter point i have to convert it to jpg then go to paint and do it. But i also have paint shop pro 7 and i am downloadin photoshop. But i will give it a try and thanks for the help.
Ok I got Photoshop installed.... and I dont understand the tools.... so far i see nothing for just putting paint on his face or to make the paint amount smaller... Please Help my AIM is volz3634
dude it would be very difficult and time consuming for someone to teach you how to use photoshop, you should have a paintbrush tool in your toolbar, you can edit brushes in a drop-down tab towards the top of the window.
Well I did alot of testing and i made sunglasses on my guy. cool: I tried to put a cigerette box on him but it looked to fake so im gonna edit it.... I'll post pictures when i get it done.