I officially (temporarally

) quit bmxing as of yesterday...
I was with a freind and we were doing our regular shit downtown at the levee, perfect place with rails and ramps and shit....
I was going up this hill to get up some speed to go over this ramp and get some kickass air when halfway down the hill the arm of the crank snapped and my pedal flew off, I saw it roll in front of me and I was like "oh shit!"
ppl said I did a barrel roll
next thing I know is the bikes on top of me and I feel my head impact the cement then my back and ass, all happened in about half a second. after being out cold for a few seconds I open my eyes and see my pedal laying across the street and am in alot of pain, (mostly my head) I stand up feeling lightheaded and bleeding and me and my freinds all gather around laughing our asses off.
me and my bud walk it back to his house and call home and tell what happened and to let them know I'm fine. dad wanted to take my ass to the hospital cuz I was out but I insisted I was fine.
we go back outside and start messing around on it and ride on the pegs... I got in a second accident and bent the stem and the fork and the frame is shot. (looks like a lowrider now) I hit a curb and went over the bars and on my head a second time.
the bike used was a 20' rhino bmx... forgot the model but its built for offroad stuff yet breaks this easy hake:
today I wake up and my head still hurts and my neck and upper back hurt and my eyes are real red and they hurt.... but hey, youre only young once right? wear a helmet...
skateboardings my main thing now...did it off and on for years now and got back into it this summer. got a mini logo board with independant trucks, spitfire wheels, black panther bearings, shortys hardware...
anyone else here got any kickass wipeout storys?