Originally Posted by "Office Depot":43c12
What the fuck..are you incapable of understanding the English language? My jab at New Zealand was to mock your crappy little country.
Just admit it man, you're a wigger. You haven't denied it yet. Also, I see you've mastered the art of arguing on the internet. I guess that happens when you accumulate over 5000 posts on one forum...
No, I'm very capable at comprehension. What I have trouble with, is reading your fucking indecipherable ramblings. That crack about NZ was SO weak....
BTW, I'm not American, so I don't take insults to my country personally. Try Again.
Oh and yes, my country is shit....But I'm having a great time living here. Probably a far better time your having over there, friendless and lonely in the big bad U - S of A.
What you define as a wigger is not the same as I.......It's obvious that you label anyone who listens to Rap a wigger, which I think is half-assed and unclever.
But that's just in your nature, trying to be the forum 'rebel' by going through threads posting your 'clever and cute' input, hoping someone will laugh with you.....just for once, just a little giggle to add some colour to your shit fucking life.
OOoooh, Poor Baby.
Damnit just shut up. The guy's got a decent topic here.
On topic -
I think the plan CAN work, but it will be very difficult to pull off. It will take compromises from both sides - compromises I'm not sure both sides will be able to take. All it takes is a couple of renegade suicide bombers to piss off the Israelis, and the entire peace process would have to start over again.[/quote:43c12]
Nein, you Shut-Up. I'm just taking it to his thread seeing as he tried to ruin someone elses thread.