Do first world nations really know the answer? -
09-17-2003, 12:06 AM
Frist world nations, meaning the U.S., Canada, E.U., and all that other crap I missed, claim that their systems are the best and that they are the countries that know the right way to live. Well do they? These countries ways of life lead to...
Depletion of natural resources
Bigger holes in the ozone layer
Increase in heat from greenhouse gasses
Basically, if us, the first world nations, keep on living the "right way", we will be fucked by one of those factor, or some of them, or all of them. Also, the earth cannot support our ways of life forever, we will run out of petroleum, and then what? The American way of life doesn't excist anymore. No more electricity, just like in August. Call the middle east medieval, but we're the ones fucked in the end, because we only think of now and not the future. Also don't call me some tree hugger, I'm just looking at facts. Whoever believes that we will someday have a world where everyone lives like people in the first world countries is a moron since that is impossible, because there isn't enough fuel in the world to do that and the planet earth can't support that. Anyway, cold fusion is only fifty years away just like it was fifty years away fifty years ago. Hydrogen requires natural gas. Anyway, back to the neolithic age! Time to find a new way of life.