.pk3 file creation - which files? -
10-07-2003, 12:09 AM
when i compile my map using mbuilder, i get:
I put the .bsp, .prt, and .vis using pakscape, in a maps/dm directory. the map still doesnt work. ive noticed that some people put a .min file in their .pk3 file. mbuilder isnt making a .min file for me, and its been so long since ive tried making maps that ive forgotten, i used to know how to do it..... please help!
so where do i get the .min file at? do i have a bad copy of mbuild? i dunno what to do, ive already looked at all the mapping sites, so please dont redirect me there.
ok i ran the console this time, and the game says "no player spawn named ". can't spawn player" literally. i originally just had a dm start thingy, but now i have a plain old start box as well. any ideas?
From what i understand the game makes the .min file when its run in game.
All you need in your map pk3 is the .bsp .scr and any custom sounds textures etc u used.
To do a spawm all maps MUST have a player start in it then u can add allied axis spawns where ever you need em.