Anyone seen "Cube" or "Hypercube: Cube 2"?
These are pretty cool movies. The premise: imagine waking up inside a 14X14X14" room, a cube, with 6 doors. Once on each wall, ceiling and floor, which lead to the next cube. Some of the cubes have traps and whatnot. You have no idea how you got there, or why, but obviously you want to get out.
Cube is mathematical, philosophical, physics and quantium mechanics all rolled into one. The films are not really that well done, in terms of acting and such, since they had a tight budget, $365,000 Canadian, but the premise and ideas the films gice off are great. Films don't need millions of dollars to get their point across and still be really good.I recommend watching this film. It makes you think, and opens your mind.
They're making a third cube as well, which is supposed to answer all the questions left by the first two cube films...which are a lot, trust me.