I cant sleep and im trying to avoid reading my lang/comp homework.
so ive decided i want a hard drive mp3 player, as my Sony DNE710 mp3 cd player which i loved [img][/img] is "lost" ... along w/ my sony lightweight headphones.....
Ive always loved sony's portable audio products, their CD players and radios are great, and their headphones are some of the best ive heard.. especially for their price range.....
So naturally, the first thing i looked at was Sony's new.. and heavily advertised 20gb mp3 player.... too expensive for so little storage... im gonna need as much as i can get (53gb of music currently)
Next, i looked at the iRiver series of hard drive mp3 players... they seemed like a great option, but again, theyre fairly pricey.
Ive used IPODs and i just cant stand them... sorry :roll:
After lots of looking i found myself leaning towards the creative Zen 60gb
Ive used this player a little, and it seems fine... The price is great, especially for the 60gb you get (which is what i really want). There are a few things people seem to have problems with though (headphone jack malfunctions, case cover popping off) I really dont care about the case popping off, ill just put it back on... and if push comes to shove i wont hesitate to use tape.... The headphone jack problem seems to be very very common, usually after a few months one or both of the channels will stop working... due to a weak connection inside the player, ive found numerous guides on how to repair this if it happens, but if i do end up buying this player... probably the first thing i will do is pop the sucker open and smother the connections in hot glue, just to be sure. And just to be 1337 ill probably not even bother with the included software, ill just grab some better stuff off the net
Right now, the Zen looks like the best option, and when i get the $$$$ together ill probably order it from NewEgg
i know a few of you guys have Zen's, whatcha think?
also, if you have any other players i should consider or comments about these... feel free to share.
thanks in advance, ill probably check this post during Computer Apps *snore* :lol:
i need sleep, i have to be at school in 4 hrs .... and im not even tired :cry: