Three Mapping Questions and TC INFO! -
09-11-2004, 11:13 PM
[QUESTION #1] Ok, I was wondering something, you know how when you are using Radiant and you want to place an object correctly on top of a table, lets say...a lamp, but it does not sit JUST either floats or it is inside the dang thing. How can I fix this problem?
[QUESTION #2] Ok, I am working on a MASSIVE TEXTURE CONVERSION mod, and when I say massive I mean we are talkin 400+ mbs. Now, I am trying to include a converted map of DV, have plans for it...I was wondering how come after I convert the map the .MAP and I edit it in Radiant, after I compile it does not look the same? Lemme explain. I opened the map in radiant, took a few brushes out such as debris and stuff of that nature out...saved it, went and compiled my map, and Got it in game. Now once in game I see the changes as far as structure is concerned, however SOME of the brushes are STILL THERE?! Even though they do NOT show up in Radiant they sow up AFTER the compilation. Any Help?
[QUESTION #3] Ok, the Massive Texture Conversion Mod is Completed, as it stands, it weighs a HUGE 400 + MB. I will say this was ALOT of hard work put in by My father [EOI]MoLoCh. He took EVERY SINGLE LAST TEXTURE from MOHAA and redesigned them himself with only 2 programs, Photoshop 8 and Paint Shop Pro. All the textures have been modified in SOME way. NONE I REPEATE NONE are copied from ANYTHING or ANYBODY, all custom creations. I am wondering, How many people will be willing to download this beast? I can PROMISE it is WELL WORTH the wait. Please guys, any help here is greatly appreciated.