Thanks. -
04-11-2005, 12:41 PM
Well Today I got the good news..... It came in a large package in the mail. I was accepted to York University and Seneca's joint DTP program. Why am I announcing this ? Well... it all started a couple years back when I registered here. At the time I was planning on becoming a mechanic / or something along the lines of a trade..... something I really was not going to enjoy for the rest of my life you could say... Then came along and the Welcome/Art forum. At the time, I knew how to use Photoshop, but I had no real talent for it, BUT I showed interest in it. I then proceded to making my first sig, a sig based on the movie platoon. All in all, I got good responses, people for the most part "liked" the sig, and so I decided to give the whole sig making thing another try. Over time I started to punch out many peices ranging from web templates to vectors, and threw it all I have gotten encouragemnt from the members here and criticism, to plain out flames for some of the more trendy stuff biggrin: . So what I am trying to say here is a big thank you to the members of for making me want to change what I would end up doing in life. If it wasn't for the community here, I would be fixing someones toilet, or rotating the tire on some kids civic while bitching about my life all just that much more. I hate to get all mushy sounding like this, or to even sound serious about this at all, but it is the truth. AA/ strange enough as it is changed something in my life..... ed: (or was at least a factor in the whole equation of my choice).
Thkz Short Hand.
-Just for a little details on the program, It is a very broad open course, ranging from corporate communications, to game design, (They are partners with Atari and Epic aka "Unreal" engine). This semester a total of 750 students domestically applied and 364 + international students applied for 35 spots. (Portfoolio's, Letters of reference, Grade's, and entrance exam tests (YES English, and yes I did well (92 %)) all played a factor on getting accepted. SO most of the work I did for fun, which I posted here regurlarly back in the day played a huge part again in helping me get accepted. beer: