I passed my driving test yesterday, I only got 4 minors and your allowed upto 15 or sommat. This was my second attempt at trying it, so im dead pleased i passed it.
I'll be buying a ford fiesta (socond hand) off my uncle for the time being. I've been looking at insurance. HOLY FUCKING CHRIST!! cheapest one i've been quoted on is £1189 on third party fire and theft, fully comp im looking at 1300-1500. This is outragious!!
The insurance company is like £200 cheaper than the rest of them.
In the UK do you need to get a permit before you can get your licence?
if i'm correct, I believe you have to pretty much 'hire' an instructor to give you lessons and such before you can attempt your final test. I don't think they have the whole "parents take you out on saturday mornings for some experience" thing.
Hey congrats man! What caused you to fail it the first time?
Also insurrance for anyone under 21 is usually very high so get used to it. And avoid any tickets, crashes, thefts, etc or else it gets higher. And no DUI!!!! A 22k miles car for 600 is not bad at all even if it is 10 years old.
Yeah...don't get into accidents or get tickets....and try not to have some bitch ram you in the back when you're backin out because she was in a rush and hits ya when you';re going into drive and then your insurance goes up when you did absolutly nothing wrong.
In the UK do you need to get a permit before you can get your licence?
if i'm correct, I believe you have to pretty much 'hire' an instructor to give you lessons and such before you can attempt your final test. I don't think they have the whole "parents take you out on saturday mornings for some experience" thing.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
10-19-2005, 05:04 PM
My brother (squid, some of you guys know from Mohaa) got his on his first try, except he got 14 points off out of 15. One point more and he would of failed. ed: