Yeah yeah we have a source forum bla bla bla, gonna get the ball rolling here though. Check this video out (mod for counterstrike source)
at the 1.50 mark, watch as a beer bottle skillfully avoids 2 ct's. biggrin:
Basically what happens is the terrorists have to hide, ct's try to find them by shooting around the place, everytime you fire and miss you lose 5hp so obviously you can't go mad. At the start of the round ct's screens go black, terrorists then type in a command and have a menu showing what objects they can become, can be anything lightposts, dead bodies, beer botles, oil drums etc. Can also change your model at anyime by bringing up the menu again and move about the place.
Seems to be a pretty fun mod though, had a few games earlier and its amazing how obviously placed you can be and the ct's think you're a part of the scenery and were there the previous round.