Hey all of you, you want to see a WWll story I wrote? If enough people want me to, I'll post it here. Gimme feedback.....................................NOW!! !!
4 exlimation marks definately the work of a madman.
the best bet if you've already done it to link to it on some webspace some where then those that want to read it can do so and thoses that don't wont have to.
Whatever, I've got a link to it. It leads to another forum. Here you are. All of the ones I've writtin. Believe me, I took my time on them, i just dont take my time with posts.[url:e66ef]http://awits.com/Community/index.php?s=07e8ace282078bfd848fc2d7c8049809&act=S T&f=4&t=218&st=0[/url:e66ef]
Not bad at all. I see from the other post's that you are very young. I'm glad to see that some of the younger people here have a grip on what our fathers and grandfathers had to deal with 60 years ago. WW2 is a bit of history that's had a major impact on how we live today. One little thing , "whistle" is spelled with an H. biggrin: Good job!
Yes yes, great story, but if you don't stop typing in blue I'm gonna have to do something very awful with a knife, some vinegar, a box-cutter, and a sack full of hungry, rabid, homosexual new york rats. KTHX.