Nobody seems to able to fix this.....sounds/.mus files -
02-23-2003, 11:57 PM
I figured some of this out for the most part. I added the line under the level waittil spawn and got it to work
I used it on Omahaa. The m3l1.mus has an intensive battlesound in it called Amb_M3_Battlebeach_01.mp3 which is aux3 as the reference in the file. The only problem is that the sound doesnt play from start for the clients that connect to thee server once I load the map. I have to type "restart" in the console for it to work. How can I fix this to start when map starts for everyone and those who join in the middle of the map pick it up too? I have post the script I was using, if you could post the fix I would appreciate it. Thanks!
level.script = maps/obj/obj_team3.scr
exec global/ambient.scr "m3l1"
level waittill spawn
$world farclipoverride -1
forcemusic aux3 aux3
BTY. I was able to use the script in different ways including using the
$player stufftext "tmstartloop ......." command to get it to work too but same results. If its a trigger issue can you please post a trigger the way it would work in Omahaa?