need help -
07-05-2003, 03:00 PM
Okay, I've decided to try my hand at skinning, but the skin doesn't work. It doesn't even show up in the menu. I have no idea as to why. Could someone take a look at my Shader and Tik files and tell me if there is anything wrong with them, thanks.
The shader file, named: allied_rdhk6_rangerforest.SHADER
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_pantsbootsforest.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_pantsbootsforest.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_assaultvestforest.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_assaultvestforest.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/av_ltnt_capforest.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/av_ltnt_capforest.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_assaultvestforest.tga
map textures/models/human/usmaps/ranger/ranger_assaultvestforest.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
qer_editorimage textures/models/forestcamosleeve.tga
map textures/models/forestcamosleeve.tga
rgbGen lightingSpherical
The tik file named: allied_rdhk6_rangerforest.tik
path models/human/allied_ranger_soldier // Set path to set skelmodel from
skelmodel assaultvest.skd // Set body model
surface ranger_pants shader ranger_pantsbootsforest
surface ranger_top shader ranger_assaultvestforest
surface armband shader av_ltnt_capforest
// $include models/human/heads/us_young_heads.tik
path models/human/heads
skelmodel head1.skd
surface head shader slick_dirty
path models/human/hands
skelmodel hand.skd
surface hand shader l_gloves
// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout
// Cache sounds here
voicetype sas // set the voicetype to use for multiplayer instant messaging
// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include.txt
// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end
The fps tik file named: allied_rdhk6_rangerforest_fps.tik
path models/human/allied_ranger_soldier // Set path to set skelmodel from
skelmodel assaultvest.skd // Set body model
surface viewsleeves shader ranger_veiwsleevecamo
// right hand
surface triggerhand shader lthr_gloveview
// different left hands
surface lefthand shader lthr_gloveview
surface garandhand shader lthr_gloveview
// define what folder to get specific sound from for the player model
$define pulloutdir sound/weapons/pullout
// Cache sounds here
// include the base player model definition
$include models/player/base/include_fps.txt
// need to indicate the end of the tiki file because we have a tiki command at the end
Is there anything wrong with these?