anyone remember the old Battlestar Galactica?
(I watched reruns when I was in Germany in '92)
well it appears that Sci-Fi channel decided to "reimagine" the series, but to me it looks like they just fucked it up.
I mean, they transgendered Starbuck and Boomer,
cylons looks like humans now,
cylons were created by humans,
people from 12 colonies dress waaayyy to Earth-like (suits and ties? did wardrobe get their material at JC Penny?),
Baltar sleeps with female cylon (What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK?),
Galactica mythology is gone
It seems to me that the new Galactica "borrows" from The Matrix, Terminator, Wing Commander, Space: Above and Beyond, and just about every other sci-fi, except the original series.