Originally Posted by butch
#2 Hows the new account since i fucking OWNED your last one.
its back thanks. its like i told you before..you sucked as a mod..but then got banned and had to beg your way back in..thats a pretty long fall huh. i guess alls well that ends well. my account is back and your now just the ordinary jackass you were before. doing important stuff like posting about your cat.
HAHA maybe you didn't notice retard, but i didn;t post the picture of the cat that is unless my names chris and i live in canada... Secondly your account isn;t back cause it got deleted, you have a NEW account though, get that through your head.
As for me being a jackass, wow it took you that long to notice? Fuck off gramps, go tempt some kids into the bushes with candy, y'know your usual daily routine.